Our Shichon - Teddy Bear puppies in Kentucky

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Please Email or call us at 502-514-9157 with any additional questions.

About the Shichon - Teddy Bear breed.

Nestled amidst the rolling hills and expansive bluegrass fields of Kentucky, a special breed of puppy is capturing the hearts of many - the Shichon Teddy Bear.

What are Shichon Teddy Bears?

A delightful mix of Shih Tzu and Bichon Frise, the Shichon Teddy Bear (or simply 'Teddy Bear') is more than just an adorable face. Their friendly disposition, hypoallergenic coat, and manageable size make them the perfect companion for families, singles, and seniors alike.

Why Kentucky Loves the Teddy Bear Puppy

Kentucky, with its sprawling green landscapes and community-driven towns, is the perfect backdrop for these little bundles of joy. As puppies, they’re playful, bouncing around like the wild rabbits you might find on a Kentucky farm. As they grow, their disposition leans towards the gentle, capturing the kind spirit of the Bluegrass State.

1. Perfect Size for Adventures:

Whether you're exploring the Cumberland Gap or just taking a stroll around your neighborhood, these puppies, with their compact size, make for the perfect companion. They're small enough for city living yet robust enough for country adventures.

2. Friendly and Sociable:

Kentuckians are known for their hospitality, and the Teddy Bear puppy is no exception. They thrive in social settings, making them the perfect addition to family gatherings or trips to the local park.

3. Hypoallergenic Coat:

Kentucky’s diverse flora, especially during spring, can be a nightmare for allergy sufferers. Thankfully, Shichon Teddy Bears have a hypoallergenic coat, offering a breath of fresh air for those sensitive to pet dander.

Finding Your Shichon Teddy Bear in Kentucky

There's been a surge in Shichon Teddy Bear puppies for sale across Kentucky, thanks to their increasing popularity. Whether you're looking for a Shichon dog for sale in the bustling streets of Louisville or a reputable Shichon Teddy Bear breeder near the tranquil landscapes of Bowling Green, Kentucky has you covered.

When considering a Shichon Teddy Bear puppy for your family, it's essential to do thorough research. Look for breeders who prioritize health, provide ample socialization for the puppies, and offer a transparent insight into their breeding practices.

A Shichon's Health:

Just as you'd want a healthy horse if you were attending the Kentucky Derby, it's crucial to ensure your Teddy Bear puppy comes from a lineage of well-cared-for dogs. A genuine breeder will provide health certifications and necessary vet checks for their puppies.


In Kentucky, where tradition meets modernity, the Shichon Teddy Bear finds its perfect home. They encapsulate the warmth, friendliness, and charm of the state. So, whether you're a local or just in love with everything Kentucky offers, consider making a Shichon Teddy Bear puppy the newest member of your family. They might just be the loyal companion you've been searching for.