Our Cocker Spaniel Puppies in Kentucky

Please browse our Cocker Spaniel puppies below and after reading our Policies you may continue in reserving one today!

Please Email or call us at 502-514-9157 with any additional questions.

    Image for Chloe
    Gone Home
    Chloe (Female)
    Age: 16 weeks old
    Breed: Cocker Spaniel
    Customer: Shari T
    Image for Clara
    Clara (Female)
    Age: 16 weeks old
    Breed: Cocker Spaniel
    Customer: Alejandra G
    Image for Caleb
    Caleb (Male)
    Age: 16 weeks old
    Breed: Cocker Spaniel
    Customer: Alejandra G
    Image for Calvin
    Gone Home
    Calvin (Male)
    Age: 60 weeks old
    Breed: Cocker Spaniel
    Customer: Mike D
    Image for Cole
    Gone Home
    Cole (Male)
    Age: 60 weeks old
    Breed: Cocker Spaniel
    Customer: Kendall D
    Image for Crystal
    Crystal (Female)
    Age: 60 weeks old
    Breed: Cocker Spaniel
    Available: Ready now!